How to uninstall application on Mac?
1. Use finder and select Applications folder.2. Right-click the app and select "Move to Trash".Note:Another easiest way to uninstall is just dragging the app to the Trash icon.
1. Use finder and select Applications folder.2. Right-click the app and select "Move to Trash".Note:Another easiest way to uninstall is just dragging the app to the Trash icon.
1. Go to Preferences.2. Select Signatures.3. Select '+' sign to add the new signature or select the previously added signature to edit it.Cheers!!!
Use the following steps to enable Develop menu in Safari. 1. Go to Safari Preferences. 2. Enable Develop Menu.
1. Click the Date and Time on the right corner2. Select "Open Date & Time Preferences".3. Select "Show date" in Clock tab.