Clinking Sound/Chandelier Sound/Bell Sound at Night
Recently, after moving to a new place, from the very beginning, we started to hear clinking sound at nights. Usually, we hear this when we are awake. Everyone in the room will hear it at the same time. We are very sure that the sound was not coming from outside.The sound sometimes resembles a glass ratting noise and sometimes as a sleigh bell. We thought Santa is visiting since it was during Winter 😆😆😆. Sometimes, the sound used to be mild and sometimes we hear with a thud. Though we know that it is nothing to get panic, we really wanted to know the source for the sound. After a week, we started to record the sound because it occurs only once at the night time. It will not occur in the day time. It also increased our curiosity because we hear this sound every time we spend time in the room. So, we started our experiments and research to find the sound source.
First, we opened our windows, switched off all the lights and stayed awake for the long period of time.We didn’t hear the sound. It was a failure.
Next, we stayed in different spots in the room and also near the window to track the sound.It didn’t occur. It was a failure.
Then, we switched off all the lights and stayed in different spots in the room and also near the window to track the sound. Finally, the sound occurred only once. At this time, we confirmed that the sound is coming from the House. But, still we couldn’t find the source. It was a failure.
After that, we became tired and left the experiments. Every time, at the night we continued hearing the same sound. Some days, it occurred with mild clinking sound. Some days, it was with a thud which was loud enough to wake others from Sleeping.
After few days, we came to the room at late nights. During those days, we didn’t hear the sound. We thought the sound disappeared because the Christmas season was over 😃😃😃. We also had a weird hypothesis that the Snow melting outside was creating this sound. But, all in a vein, the sound appeared on a sunny day.
Then, one fine day, our weird brain told us to sleep without switching on the light before the bed time. Though we know it was silly, we tried it because we had no other options. The sound didn’t appear on that day. We started this as a routine to avoid the sound in the nights. It worked. One fine evening, it appeared once. We guessed that it was coming from the ceiling. Then, we searched online for several days.
Finally, we were able to reproduce the sound by using the following steps:
1. Switch on the light for 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Turn off the light.
3. Wait for 5 to 7 minutes.
4. Ta da!, you will hear the clinking sound.
As per my understanding and the knowledge I gained online, the sound is a thermal noise produced by the light. When the light is turned on for a while, it gets heated up. After you switch it off, the light cools down and produces a thermal sound. That’s why we were able to hear the sound only at nights and not in the day time since we usually don’t switch on the lights in the morning times.When we came late nights, we usually turn on the light for few minutes only before turning it off. That period of time was not long enough for the light to be heated. So, no sound during those days. Still we don’t know how to fix this. We highly recommend a professional to check this.